Standing In The Side Of God.
Gospel Reflection - John 8, 31-42 Which country needs to be supported: Russia or Ukraine? Bong bong Marcos or Leni is more reliable and competent to lead the country? Is it Donald Trump or Joe Biden? Is it better to be a communist or a capitalist? Is it better to have a dictatorship or a democracy? These are issues that compel people both at domestically and overseas to engage in "seeking the truth, the right to liberate people from all oppression." One of the most recent stories I read was about Vietnam abstaining from voting in support of Russia against Ukraine. Since then, there have been numerous reactions. Similarly, here in the Philippines, people are debating who they should support for president and government officials in the following year. People may not be troubled excitedly to pick if there is true truth, but life always has two sides that ask people to choose where to stand in the middle of perplexity.In other words, people are unsure of which side or whom they...