“He who is not satisfied with a little is satisfied with nothing” We all have what I refer the satisfaction world, in which we feel pleased/pleasure when we own it. If you've ever read the novel "The Alchemist," you'll comprehend that Santiago had heard of a hidden treasure in the Pyramid, and he placed himself for it - disregarding his parents' wishes for him to become a priest. Instead, he decided to become a shepherd so that he could journey to find the treasure. The hidden treasure had become a goal that both satisfied him and motivated him to seek it with eagerness. Dwelling on today's gospel, the disciple Phillip confesses to Jesus what satisfies him: "Teacher, teach us to know the Father, and then we will be satisfied." After several years of following in Jesus' footsteps, he is still unfulfilled, but he realizes what can satisfy him. As an impact of this, I have two thoughts f...