Subjugation "God Is The God Of The Heart".

 Gospel's Reflection - Luke 10: 13-16

In 2014, I was able to conquer a girl's heart for the first time, which also happened to be my first girlfriend. I suppose most of us can connect to the words "I will spend time on it if I want to have the heart of anyone or if I want to subjugate someone." I will always treat her or him with care, spending time with them, supporting them with their schoolwork, accompanying them to church, spending time traveling to new locations, and many other things. All of my acts are directed toward one goal: to win, dominate, and conquer the heart.

"Woe to you, Chorazin, woe to you, Bethsaida," Jesus said lately in today's Gospel, "if the mighty deed done in your midst had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago." It shows how hard the hearts of those whom Jesus was attempting to persuade were in some way. From this vantage point, I'd pose a profound contemplative question: "Why is Jesus so eager to win people's hearts wherever he goes?". 

Let's take a look at my own personal tale as it relates to my own experience while in the formation. To keep the story short, there was a moment when I became lost in the formation because I over-relied on my own abilities and lacked receptivity to the formation's guidance; nonetheless, I was fortunate in that the formator didn't give up on me. He patiently tried to re-direct my attention back to the road of trusting on the Holy Spirit's guidance and graces to lead me to a fulfilling journey's finish. At the point of integration, I turned around and thanked my formator, saying, "Father, thank you so much for assisting me, especially for not giving up on me when I became lost...and now, I am about to complete my novitiate journey grateful and meaningful." And he simply replied, "Thank you, Joseph, for bringing it up, we as humans all get lost at times, but I have trust in you, believing in your goodness, I don't want to lose you, and most importantly, God doesn't want you to be lost, but He does want you to get close to his heart and remember your true identity."

I'd like to summarize my personal story in one phrase: "The face of Jesus Christ is the face of the Father's mercy, kindness, and goodness, and that's what I believe and hold on...Jesus, who is marked by differences. Yes, He always makes a difference in many people's lives: he shares his father's call to people, sends his disciples " the heart of mankind."

(My dear brothers and sisters, lets take a look back in your own life where Jesus make differences in your life and make you become anew and get close to him. I would invite you to get into silence).

Let me conclude with such a story of a man who was aware that he was suffering from a severe sickness that he could not overcome. At the same time, he is aware that giving internal organs to save the lives of many people is legal. As a result, despite the fact that he knew he would die soon after donating all of his organs, he decided to donate his internal organs so that others could live. People and doctors lowered their heads in respect for the man as they expressed gratitude for his love and goodness.

Brothers and sisters, Jesus did not give us his organs; rather, he gave us his entire life, without admitting to any severe illness, in order to preserve everyone's life. He is present in both the Eucharistic and sacramental celebrations. He is present in both the Gospel and every human being, as he stated

"I shall be in the middle of two or three who congregate to exalt my name" (Mt 18,20)

I have many times forgotten to express my thankfulness to Him, but He is still present in my life. If I still don't know, woe to me. He's always seeking for me, even when I don't want to look at him.

Bless us all for God is always on the lookout for us

Bless us all for God is constantly searching for and subjugating our hearts. Amen. 

Joseph Nguyễn Lê Thế Vương, MSC.



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