Masturbation In Celibates and Virgins - 2 Factors to be considered.

 Sexuality in the lives of celibates and virgins (religious)

There is a clear trend in theological literature today towards seeing masturbation as a considerably less important indicator of a lack sexual maturity than it was thought to be in the past.

This trend, which is not directly related to masturbation in celibates and virgins, can be divided into two parts. on the one hand some theologians would still hold onto the idea that masturbation is an objectively grave moral evil and go on to say that personal mortal sin is very often not present when the objective evil of masturbation takes place because the person does not commit himself or herself to this act in such a way as to turn totally from God and therefore commit mortal sin. But other theologians would go still rather and argue that masturbation in itself is not an objectively grave moral evil. Regardless of which of these two approaches is taken. the end result is still that masturbation is seen as a less important matter than in the past. Much of the literature on this subject talks primarily of adolescent masturbation, but it does seem that in some cases the same line of reasoning could be applied to adult masturbation. 

The second factor for reflection in formulating a position on masturbation in celibates and virgins has to do with the frequency of masturbation among the celibates and virgins and with the kind of celibates and virgins who masturbate. In years of ministering, I have advised (encountering) a number of confessors of priests and personally counseled priests from every part of the US, priests ranging in age from their 20's all the way into their 70's. All this experience has shown me that masturbation occurs in the lives of a significant percentage of priests, and many who have mentioned it to me, or on whose cases i have been consulted, may be deservedly looked upon as being among the finest leader in their respective communities or dioceses. in my experience i have also dealt with ow known of a large number of cases of masturbation among religious women, though these cases seem to occur only about half as often percentagewise as is the case with priests and religious men. Also the cases of masturbation in religious women seem to be more typically involve women on their 30's and 40's (with some in other age brackets) instead of being spread through all the age brackets as is the case with male celibates or virgins. Again in parallel to the situation of priests, many of the religious women who have talked with me about masturbation, or on whose cases i have been consulted, maybe considered to be among the finest people in their communities. 

In offering these reflections from my counselling experience, i must admit that my status as a moral theologian may have brought a higher percentage of cases of celibate/virginal masturbation to me than most priest confessors would hear of. I am also aware that the mere fact that something happens does not make it right. still I do not think we can ignore the frequency of celibate/virginal masturbation or the quality of the persons in whose lives occurs if we want to have an adequate moral assessment of celibate.virginal masturbation. 

Judging in the light of the total person. 

Putting the factor of the changing theology of masturbation together with the factor of its frequency in celibates and virgins, it seems that the proper conclusion to be drawn is that masturbation is not that important a moral criterion for assessing celibate/virginal maturity (points need to be considered: compulsive? medication in coping with aloneness? feelings of emptiness) when it is not coupled with any other signs of loving or relational difficulties in the life if a given celibate or virgin. Hence celibates and virgins who masturbate and who are otherwise well adjusted should be helped to put aside the unnecessary guilts and fears which they are often experience. In those cases in which celibate/virginal masturbation os clearly coupled with other difficulties in living out the mature (Indication: lacking healthy relationship:core of life), open kind of loving described earlier in this article, there is more reason for concern, though the concern may well be psychological rather than moral. 

We should be careful too not to be very quick in looking for other signs of difficulty when masturbations occurs in the life of a celibate or virgin. Some counselors seem to operate out of the a priori conviction that if masturbation occurs in the life of a celibates or virgin, it necessarily means that the person has a serious problem somewhere. the whole thesis of this article is that physical actions are not the most significant indication of celibate or virginal maturity. In this light our basic position on celibate/virginal masturbation seems justified, namely, that such masturbation does not mean that much when a persons' total journey towards the eschatological ideal of celibate/virginity is progressing nicely. 

This viewpoint should not, however, be taken to mean that celibate/virginal masturbation or any masturbation is a totally indifferent matter. It is always a sign of some lack (some avoidance/loneliness/rejection/depression,etc., in dealing with relationship) of an ideally integrated human personality,, though from our point of view it may well indicate a quick minor lack in many cases. In face of this lack of statements I have sometimes heard from celibates and virgins, statements such as "mastrbation has no connection with personal maturity," need to be avoided. 

A piece of collection on understanding about masturbation for mature development. 

Personal comment of masturbation: not too afraid of or not too avoid of BUT not COMPULSIVE. - Joseph Vuong. 


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