A Call.


A call is a formal invitation. It is an expression of
affection. If there is no love, there is no calling there.     
Whenever I send a letter, my heart is in it. As a result, there is something missing, waiting, and being anxious being involved. I never send letters towards the wind since the wind does not communicate with beings. I do not even send to that same cloud since it never reacts. I just sent out a letter to man so that he'd be cognizant of my concern and could respond to it. Man, on the other hand, has the freedom to decline or reject the call. My call can reverberate dryly and flicker back to me.

Calling is a sign of splitting indicates a desire to be closer. 

There are a number of applications. Call and offer something. Call to share a joyous occasion. To entrust a trust, make calls. The deepest level of calling is the call to follow a man. The call to be one's devoted follower is the call to everything. God has written a letter. He is waiting for a response somewhere. He doesn't ever sends a letter to the forest or the dust seeing as he knows this will only blur the cross. He, too, does not send letters to the virtual machine or gadget because there is always a busy virtual sound playing. But He sends a man because man knows how to sweep the cobwebs out of the church and man knows how to heal human wounds. He wrote and sent a letter to man inviting him to have an intimate encounter with him and his people.

Only when we are separated from one another do we require a call. When I hear God's call, it goes on to tell me that I am too far away from him and that I need to get closer to him. When He calls, it signifies that He wants me to come closer.


When I was in secondary education, there was a call...in which happened to me in the hot and stuffy at noon during the summer. The call went, "Give me some rice, please, give me rice." The caller is a blind old man who applies himself strenuously with an old pair of slippers, dust also tried to find a place to stick themselves in a poor blind man, and with him is a leave hat and a staff stick to lead the way for him just because he can't see, and when he walks, he strikes the stick on the ground and bases on the sound back to find his way. When people listen, engage, and come close to him, he also carries a tiny bag with rice in it.
I pranced my self to see the caller's face and get close to him, and as soon as I understood it, I came and took rice to give him. Each call presents us with an opportunity for an encounter; this could be the beginning of a new friendship that may evolve to a life-call together; it can also be a hindrance that induces hostility and irritation; and it can also be an encounter that changes "a decision" for our entire life.

People do change the way of life in 2 directions: either reading a book or through socialising (If you are not fan of books, strive to meet people for I convince in those ways).


Because the person calling me couldn't see, I connected with him using my own words. As a corollary, by "calling" each other, we were able to receive and convey the messengers. As a while, we've been making a lot of calls, which has led to a more intimate encounter between us, far beyond the stuffy and heated disposition of summer, which infuriates our emotions easily.
Yeah sure I left my comfortable bed and time and place with the electric fan, I diverged with a bottle of water to quench the thirst of the man sheltering himself under the tree, I transcended my limitation, went beyond the indignation, annoyance. When I placed some silver coins, that call, or rather that interaction, left a message in my heart: "there are many who are waiting for your water." That call does not come from an old man, nor does it come from my own interpretation; rather, it emanates from the heart. It inflames my heart...The appeal resounded, and it didn't cease like the rain, but lingered firmly in the heart of a young man, compelling him to go find "an answer for a call."

Then, at the age of 14, a young man commenced his quest "Seeking an explanation for a call," but he conducted so in silence, with no mentorship: no involvement from his father or mother, friends and companions, or even his sweetheart girlfriend...no words exchanged among those individuals. "A young man silently anticipated a call's response," as shown in the allegation, while someone on the other end was likewise "waiting for an answer from him. when the is a call being sent out" He was unsure where to seek for the answer.


I propose that if the call is sent via telegram, he can phone up and query about the call; nor should the caller use a computer sounder so the receiver can conveniently reread the call, the message, and the contents time after time. As a matter of fact, the call has been sent to him as a hazy call; he felt compelled to respond but had no notion who the caller was...a call has driven him into the darkness, and because he couldn't detect the caller, fear has supplanted the call.
I suppose that ignoring the noon call can lead him back to the path of sunshine; coincidentally, there was another "dark night" that brought him multiple "wheeling calls" that alienated him. Wheeling calls tore his eyes and rendered the meaning of his life hazy. The young man was now strolling as tiredly as an old man he had met years earlier who had interrupted the initial call. Though he has good eyesight and is not likely the blind old man, the young man's face was filled with frustrations and laden eyes. "What am I on this planet for?" he pondered to himself. "And where, in my life, is the ultimate call?" He opted to go to a darker area than his temperament, a place where there is no calling sound, no disturbed voice...and no caller, in the middle of the dark. He chose a venue that was overrun with stillness and solitude as he needed a break from the throngs and busy people as he refused to "listen to any sounds." After his supper, however, something happened to him. He assumed he'd be able to enjoy the tranquility in this area, but then someone ventured to call him and ask him, "Why did he choose to come into the solitary place?" ", "I simply want to be in silence," he said hastily so that he might concentrate on his own moment. But then, 7 years ago, the first call was made, and "Missionaries of the Sacred Heart" resounded to witness God's unconditional love for all mankind entered in his heart deeply as a confirmation for the first call that he had encountered. 

Is this a follow-up call or a response to the first call he received when he was 14 years old and was unable to find the answer…?...


It was a call as well as a reaction for him. He got a Call because he discovered he was further away from Thy and that Thy desired him to draw closer. A Call, on the other hand, is a reaction to a letter telling him to follow a person. In the year 2013, when he was 17 years old, a young man made a deepest call, most wondrously, as well as ultimately, which contained a lot of tears. He cried and said that his load had been lifted, just as the first call had happened in the summer, stifling and hot as he was now in the depths of his soul.

I thought I was buried at times, but I was actually planted.

“13 years old, A blind man came to call me, He didn’t know the one he called!

17 years old, another call repeated in my heart, and I didn’t know who called me!”.  

And now, what am I going to do with this, what am I going to think about, and what am I going to do with this call? The call is not apparent in the mind's concept, but there is a "choice" beyond it. A can choose to come closer to Thee in the end and also to listen to my own impulses freely. As the seed was plated in the soil, each day a clean and warm water was provided, the seed going to grow day by day; the planted tree ended up choosing to grow hopeful, hoping that one day the branch can be picked to be a good stick to sweep cobweb away in the church; the plated tree chose to multiply the lively leaves that one day people would shelter under it and find appease from all the tiredness, and looking for a resting place; A planted tree sprouted roots so deep and groundy that it doesn't want to linger on its own freedom, but rather offers it to Thy.

Hey tree, I hope you understand that "not everyone is being sheltered, having a good rest place in comfortably, not everyone has water to quench their thirst," and that "many young men have been receiving and hearing the call but no where to find the called," I hope you'll be an instrument for the desire to have an intimate encounter, and I hope you'll always be alive where the sounds of birds outnumber all of the vehicle noises that lead people to the loosing curve.

My call is peculiar because I don't know the caller's face; it is mysterious because I can refuse because I have freedom; it is mysterious because it resonated in the stuffy summertime, or in the despair in my life; it is strange because it resonated while I would want to have a silent time; and it is so strange because the call has transformed my life, it is outside of all the books I have read...The call prompted me to an intimate encounter which I can't seem to find in any book

And at the pinnacle of this call...is a covenant…a loving covenant.

A covenant initiates life...life in God's heart.

Joseph Nguyễn Lê Thế Vương, MSC. 


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