The Quest.

 The Quest 7-Step Self Counseling Technique

Every issue can be solved and every pattern healed. You can change the conditions of your life!

Step one: Identification 

  1. Review what you are going through, or a condition or illness you are facing, and what you are feeling. Allow yourself to feel your feelings fully, then write these feelings down. (recalling, staying with them and doing journal and let its revealing in writing)
  2. Next, move back into your Authentic self, so that you can get a clear visual image of the part of you that is feeling this way and that has the condition, giving it loving attention rather than criticism or judgment. Visual imaging is important. Once you can see an Inner Aspect, you can heal it. (Inner Aspect = Inner Child or Inner Self) 
  3. Draw a picture of your Inner Aspect and then write down everything it is feeling. If the upset is a result of what happened with another individual, you can draw them as well, so you can get a clear visual image of this dynamic. (Identify the feelings) 
An Important Key: Your dynamic with others are a reflection of what is happening inside of you. The sooner you move your attention away from what is going on between you and the other person, the quiker you will resolve your issues and be able to be effectively deal with the situation.

Application: The two images you see described on the page are no longer you and the other person. They now represent your own Inner Aspects. Because they have gotten your attention, they are now ready to be healed. In this way, the other person's unconcious words or actions supported you by triggering a deep pattern or wound that is ready for healing. If you are dealing with an illness, financial constraint, or other challenging situation, include that in the image, showing how the Inner Aspect is being adversely affected. (Bring it to the consciousness)

Step two: Influence. 

Now, it is the time to begin working directly with your Inner Aspect. Ask the Inner Aspect how it has been effecting you on all levels (physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually) an how it has been influencing your life (relationships, health, career, finances). Write down all the levels and the answers (Mental, Emotional, Physical, Spiritual, Health, Career, Finances, Relationships)
- Aware of the false self which has been influencing our life.

Step Three: History

Ask the Inner Aspect to show you the history of similar feelings and experiences all the way back to where the pattern originated and then see what was taking place at that earliest time. Make sure you are at the earliest time and write the highlights. (Back to the situation and its stories)

Step Four: The Truth 
  1. Find the self-judgment and core beliefs it took on from that earliest experience. (I was unloved, therefore I am not wanted, I don't matter, I am not good enough, etc.)
  2. See how these judgments and beliefs influenced your life, tracing the pattern forward to the present time. 
  3. Go back to the original incident and see if the judgments and beliefs were really true. It helps to go over what was really happening. Ask the Inner Aspect to update each judgment and belief with the new realization. 
  4. Next, Self Forgiveness can be a powerful healing salve. Place one hand on your heart, the other on your stomach and say "I forgive myself for judging myself as (Or, I forgive myself for believing...)" going through all the judgments and then stating the Truth. 

Step Five: The Gift 
  1. Ask the Aspect, "why was this pattern and the experiences it created important for me? What was the gift? What did you want to accomplish?" The Inner Aspect provided you with a 'vehicle of experience'. Have the Inner Aspect review and see what you gained from the pattern. What was the learning and growth?
  2. Once you have received a positive answer, ask "Do you feel you have accomplished that?" If the answer is no, take the Inner Aspect back through some of the previous questions until it has accessed everything it needs to move on. 
  3. Ask the Inner Aspect, "Do you feel complete with the pattern?" The answer should be yes. 
  4. Then ask, "what would my future look like if you chose to continue the pattern instead?" 
Remember to keep writing the answers in your journal, stopping to tune in to your Inner Aspect as you go along. 

Step Six: New Purpose 

Ask the Inner aspect what its intention is for you now, and ask it to give you a new visual image of what that would look like, placing the new image beside the original one. Draw or describe this new image in your journal, listing its new Purpose. 

Step Seven: Transfiguration 
  1. When it is ready, have the Aspect merge with the new image, retaining all the learning, growth, wisdom, and knowledge it gained, while dissolving all aspects of the pattern that no longer are serving you. This should include all the anger, upset, and pain it was feeling and all the self-judgments it was holding. 
  2. Once complete, aks "how will my life be different now that you have been healed and transformed?" Draw or describe the transfigured Aspect. 
  3. Ask the transformed Aspect, "what action steps should I take to support this session?" Write those down. Having a copy of them will remind you, so you can stay on track with supporting the inner shift that has occurred. 
Integration: You have just gone through a very deep and powerful inner process. Allow yourself time to anchor the new information. You may want to do some additional writting, listen to inspiring music, or just have some time alone in nature. This quite time is important for you to integrate what you have been through. It will allow you to more fully understand the pattern you healed and what it created in your life. You can emerge for this process with a new sense of empowerment and compassion for yourself and others. Remember to journal your experience and make notes relating to your session when your life changes in the future. 
Remember to use the Seven Steps whenever you feel upset or are facing a challenging life situation. Use this counselling technique before you work on its issues with your mate, colleage, child, or friend. You will be a lot clearer or more able to come from a centered, compassionate place, where you will be able to listen as well as share your experience in a loving way. 
Feel free to share TheQuest with loved ones and friends. The more people that adopt Self counselling as a part of life of their lifestyle, the more a true and lasting change in relationships can occur, possitively afflecting the consciousness of the planet. With such a dramatic shift away from victimhood and blame, the world can transform very quickly, allowing peace to replace suffering as a way of life. 

Joseph Nguyễn Lê Thế Vương. 


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