
Showing posts from 2021

Get In Touch With Your Sexual Self.

1. Cosmos Allurement.           The presence of the divine fire is manifested in another way in our world. it shows itself as an energy of connection, the mysterious "magnetism" that permeates our cosmos on all levels of being.  In the beginning, there is no light, no air, no darkness, nothing. Shortly after, God created the creation, he created fire, light from that divine power. The divine power of God attraction. In the beginning is the relationship, the energy of love.  2. A Future With Hope (Listening to our psychosexual story).          There are times in most of our lives when we feel exiled - cut off from our feelings, alienated from those we love, uncomfortable with our bodies, guilt-ridden about something in our past. Therefore, each of us grows up with a desire to connect: to find safety, nourishment, and protection when we are infants; to discover playmates and friends when we are in school; to choose a way of ...

Crying "Oe Oe".

 Gospel's Reflection -  Luke 1: 57-66,80. Now the time came for Elizabeth to give birth, and she bore a son. Her neighbours and relatives heard that the Lord had shown his great mercy to her, and they rejoiced with her. On the eighth day they came to circumcise the child, and they were going to name him Zechariah after his father. But his mother said, "No; he is to be called John." They said to her, "None of your relatives has this name." Then they began motioning to his father to find out what name he wanted to give him. He asked for a writing tablet and wrote, "His name is John." And all of them were amazed. Immediately his mouth was opened and his tongue freed, and he began to speak, praising God. Fear came over all their neighbors, and all these things were talked about throughout the entire hill country of Judea. All who heard them pondered them and said, "What then will this child become?" For, indeed, the hand of the Lord was with him....

I Actually Do The Truth.

Gospel of Luke 4:  24-30  Always Hold on the Identity of Who I am! Have you ever lied, brothers sisters? And Why do we need to lie others?  According to psychologist definition, people tell a lie because they try to avoid the fear of being hurt, some lie for protecting one's self from emotional wounds or to get away from pains. Another reason for lying is people want to get the Acceptance by putting on a "good image" in front of people.      Time passes and people will become a perfect liar by lying harder and harder. Surprisingly, we lie so perfect that sometimes we do lying to our own self; the fear of not getting the reward becomes the fear of rejection; the fear of not being good enough for someone else is what makes people to do change, what makes people to create an image, just to be accepted. People learn to pretend to be what they are not, and they practice trying to be someone else just to be good enough for Dad, Mom, Teachers, friends or for what...

You Must Follow Me.

  Gospel of  John 21: 20-25   Jesus and the Beloved Disciple I'm impressed by some of you who have the ability to create videos. We make movies at the end of some events, celebrations, to transport us back in time, to bring all the memories we've had to life again through photos or a short clip. And watching movies let me see " What makes the journey/events/celebration meaningful? " each time.        Today's Gospel is the last passage of John, and Peter was mentioned. And if we read from the beginning of John's Gospel, from the first chapter, Peter was called by Jesus and Peter's journey had started from that time until today. Let me show you an imaginative video of Peter's life namely "A movie of Peter's life according to novice Joseph Vuong"          Jesus called Peter at the hour of  4pm, then Peter left his net and followed the call. He went with him to the wedding of Cana, met the woman of Samaria, passed the fie...


     Detachment is understood in my own definition as one deprives himself of something that would help him to be a better version of himself within his capacity. For instance, one detaches from playing games to study. in other words, it signifies the capacity to say no to something or to let go of things that don't help to grow and to be better.  One of my concrete examples is that before the investiture, there was a ritual (Tridium) that helped me to settle down and count what I need to bring and leave behind the unnecessaries. Before those days, I ran around and asked for advice from the older batches brothers. Most of them gave me the same words "It's up to you, what you think necessary is necessary". Then, I sat with my own self, opened my luggage, brought all things inside outside. And I started... "This is necessary and this is also necessary indeed as I fought put them back into my luggage...        This is necessary and this is also neces...

Jesus The Carpenter and The Wisdom.

Gospel of Matthew 13: 54-58   Lord, open my lips and my heart      During my time in college, I've had hundreds of friends on Facebook, and day-to-day, I liked to check my friend's updates by turning on my Facebook account. Almost every day, I saw my friends changed either their profile or cover picture; the latter was always more attractive, beautiful than the earlier. And I think it still applies to all of us in today's time; we do select the best picture to change the profile of ourselves to get the like as much as possible.      During Jesus' time, there  weren't social media such as Facebook, Zalo, or Twitter as we are using today to share "The Beauty of himself" and the highest beauty of Jesus is "Wisdom & Love". S o, the question for my reflection is "How does the wisdom of Jesus portrait in Today's Gospel?" There is a contradiction question between "Wisdom - Carpenter"; "where did this man get such wisdo...

Happy Birthday.

Gospel of Luke 1: 57-66,80. Now the time came for Elizabeth to give birth, and she bore a son. Her neighbors and relatives heard that the Lord had shown his great mercy to her, and they rejoiced with her. On the eighth day, they came to circumcise the child, and they were going to name him Zechariah after his father. But his mother said, "No; he is to be called John." They said to her, "None of your relatives has this name." Then they began motioning to his father to find out what name he wanted to give him. He asked for a writing tablet and wrote, "His name is John." And all of them were amazed. Immediately his mouth was opened and his tongue freed, and he began to speak, praising God. Fear came over all their neighbors, and all these things were talked about throughout the entire hill country of Judea. All who heard them pondered them and said, " What then will this child become ?" For, indeed, the hand of the Lord was with him. The child grew...

Thẹo Cuộc Sống.

Những Vết Thẹo và Những Bước Đi. Trong lần ăn cơm chung với Đức Giám Mục – Luy Anh Tuấn ở tuổi sinh nhật 21 của tôi, Ngài chia sẻ với tôi rằng, đời người trai trẻ có 2 cái sinh nhật quan trọng. Sinh nhật đầu tiên là ở tuổi 18, tuổi đánh dấu sự trưởng thành với đầy đủ các quyền công dân, và lần đặc biệt hơn thứ 2 là tuổi 21, tuổi đánh dấu sự độc lập, định hướng lý tưởng. Lúc này ta đã biết chọn điều gì để sống cho, chọn ai để yêu và lý tưởng nào để phấn đấu. Ngài dặn thêm tôi, “đời trai tuổi niên thiếu ngắn lắm, nó như cơn bão mạnh thổi tung tất cả giúp con vượt qua tất cả những gì ngăn trở. Nhưng nó cũng như loài hoa nở rộ, lúc nở rộ nhất cũng chính là lúc bắt đầu của sự tàn úa. Nếu con không biết chọn và sống cho điều con yêu, đời trai của con sẽ không có gì để kể, tay chân và tâm trí con sẽ chẳng biết những vết thẹo của cuộc sống”. ĐGM Luy Nguyễn Anh Tuấn. Hôm nay cách sau 3 năm, tôi lại lấy câu này ra suy ngẫm về cuộc sống và hành trình của đời tôi với quỹ đạo xoay “tôi đang sống ch...

Ba Má Ơi, Trời Còn Lạnh Không?

Một trong những điều mà con không thể quên trong suốt những ngày thơ ấu đến những ngày trưởng thành và xa quê đó chính là mùa xuân. Thật dễ để nhận ra những ngày đầu mùa xuân chính là ngọn gió “Đông Bắc”, gió thổi từ nơi thật xa, rẽ mình qua những tán cây cao, lượn lờ qua ruộng đồng lúa tươi xanh rồi âm thầm len lỏi qua vườn rau sau nhà, thổi vào mái tóc của má khi má đang hặm hụi nấu bữa ăn sáng cho cả nhà trước khi mặt trời thức giấc. Gió thổi qua mái tóc má, rồi len qua những kẽ hở len lói vào nơi con đang ngủ chợt khẽ đánh thức con. Con thức dậy, rửa mặt và tươm tất bản thân cùng ba má đến nhà thờ, gió lạnh làm con thức tỉnh hoàn toàn khi những lúc mắt con còn nhíu nhíp. Mùa xuân năm nay chắc vẫn vậy, những làn gió đem hơi lạnh từ phương Bắc, những nụ mai đang hé mắt đón chờ khoảnh khắc được vươn mình cùng ánh nắng sớm mai, những tiếng chim đang rôn rã trên những cành cây tắm mình dưới nắng, những cành lá đang đổi mình từ sự cũ kỹ cho một sự sống mới và đặc biệt là có những cánh cử...