
    Detachment is understood in my own definition as one deprives himself of something that would help him to be a better version of himself within his capacity. For instance, one detaches from playing games to study. in other words, it signifies the capacity to say no to something or to let go of things that don't help to grow and to be better. 

One of my concrete examples is that before the investiture, there was a ritual (Tridium) that helped me to settle down and count what I need to bring and leave behind the unnecessaries. Before those days, I ran around and asked for advice from the older batches brothers. Most of them gave me the same words "It's up to you, what you think necessary is necessary". Then, I sat with my own self, opened my luggage, brought all things inside outside. And I started...

"This is necessary and this is also necessary indeed as I fought put them back into my luggage...

     This is necessary and this is also necessary indeed as I fought put them back into my luggage...

.......This is important, I like this so on and so far".    


   Shortly after, most of the necessary as I think already in the proper place. But, in reality, I didn't use/need most of them at all. Then, looking around and especially looking inside I saw the need to share; so I did it. I distributed my clothes, pants, shoes, books, and school supplies to my brothers. The motive which motivates me to share is that people need them as well I live more comfortably without them; even though I like to keep them. (But only one thing I don't share until now is the letters I received from the Exodus's sisters; it's romantic, loving, and fluttery ^-^). 

        Go to the conclusion, Religious poverty which comes from love and this love never focuses on enriching one's self but always and at all directs to other people needs.

        Surely, there is nothing wrong whence we keep material inside our room or house. But, it is wrong whence we see the need of people and we refuse to share. In that, we choose not to direct ourselves towards people, and the selfishness is the focus rather than kindness and generosity; greed wins for the self-focus. 

    My dear brothers and sisters, as we go along our journey, may we always be of the model "Jesus". He fed when people were hungry, he healed when they got sick, he miracle water into wine when there is a need. Jesus' heart is the heart of sensitivity, opened heart. May we have an open heart, sensitive heart to see the need around us.

The Biological heart opens, blood flows, and brings life.

The Spiritual heart opens, people live in free and happy.

May our hearts always be open to sharing, giving forgiveness, sympathy, helping, and rich in kindness. 

In a nutshell, all of the things which I mentioned a while ago and considered necessary before are not necessary anymore. Because deep inside me at this moment the only necessary is "Christ Jesus" the relationship with him. As children are most precious and necessary for the mother, so Christ is my most necessary and love for him. 

03/02/2021, Joseph Nguyễn Lê Thế Vương, MSC.


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