Crying "Oe Oe".

 Gospel's Reflection - Luke 1: 57-66,80.

Now the time came for Elizabeth to give birth, and she bore a son. Her neighbours and relatives heard that the Lord had shown his great mercy to her, and they rejoiced with her. On the eighth day they came to circumcise the child, and they were going to name him Zechariah after his father. But his mother said, "No; he is to be called John." They said to her, "None of your relatives has this name." Then they began motioning to his father to find out what name he wanted to give him. He asked for a writing tablet and wrote, "His name is John." And all of them were amazed. Immediately his mouth was opened and his tongue freed, and he began to speak, praising God. Fear came over all their neighbors, and all these things were talked about throughout the entire hill country of Judea. All who heard them pondered them and said, "What then will this child become?" For, indeed, the hand of the Lord was with him. The child grew and became strong in spirit, and he was in the wilderness until the day he appeared publicly to Israel.

How is the sound of the baby cry? I think sounds familiar to all of us "Oe Oe" and what this sound "oe oe" means to us? "Oe-oe" is the crying sound of a new life therefore it contains happiness, life, joy, love or gratefulness.

    I think each one of us have witnessed or experienced seeing a baby being born in our family or relatives. The sound "oe oe" brings happiness. And nowadays, people express their happiness of having a new member in the family and welcome this new member through party or invite fiends to come, to eat and to drink to that. And I myself was born in this world, cried "oe oe" was the great grace. I accept this grace with atmost respect and gratefulness. Today is my 24th birthday, there is no crying oe oe, there is not my parents stare at my face, there is no party gather as well, no waiting moment. But, there are joy, happiness, gratefulness for the gift of life which I have not and never regret. "Blessed be God"

People have said "Life is full of miracles! Do you believe that?". Just have a look in the Gospel, the life of John, Angel Gabriel foretold Zechariah that He would have a son while Mary visited Elizabeth who was filled with the Holy Spirit right after the greeting and so on. My life is also the same. It is full of miracles; started when my parents wished for a son when they already had 2 daughters and their wish was granted. A boy with the complete biological body and witty mind and robust at birth. I have been receiving a good care, I have siblings, family, house, good education and I have not experience or suffer from hunger or lacking of clothes or education. Everything is likely falling into their places. 

    Then, being loved and called. I have set aside my first lover and nourish my desire. It seems life is the bed of roses, doesn't it? No, the adventure would not be a wonderful adventure without crooked. what are they? I have my first loving relationship when I was in the first stage of secondary school and at the same time I got acceptance to be part of the altar server in my parish. I met my girlfriend everytime I went to school and besides I also did visit her house to have some exchange of words with her, we somehow developed a closer relationship. However, who knows what the future holds! 2 years then my heart was moved and touched by a beggar and let me detail you this encountering moment...

            That was a day as of everyday, I laid my whole body on my bed during noontime, thinking of my assignments and where to go with my friend in the afternoon. Suddenly, there was a human voice came to me "give me rice, please". At first, it was not an interesting event to me because I am living in the rural place and have a lot of this experience. I hastily replied to the old man "yes, please wait for moment, I will get rice for you". If it is usual as my mother's words, do not do over taking rice in the cup, because it may be scattered on the house. However at that moment, I saw the need to give more because the beggar is over 80 years of age by look. Back then, I gave him rice, felt the heat of the sun then I told him "gentleman, please wait for me for a little while, I will bring you water" Then I did it. And the moment he drank water and crush the fingers on the bottle, I felt touch and something was stirring up deeply inside. That's why I decided to give my saved money to him for the first time in my life I did it. And the moment I put money on his pocket, I heard the voice "there are still many people in this world need your help, need your life". 
The whisper voice remained silent in me until individuals encouraged me to join and discern my vocation in a religious vocation group, which I did. Fortunately, I later realized what my calling is, and I now need to conquer the obstacles in order to go into college. well! Everybody in the world is rallying behind me. I've stayed in a lot of different places, met a lot of people, and had a lot of good and bad experiences. However, throughout my ten-year journey, I have always had support from a variety of people, including my parents, siblings, friends, nuns, ladies, ex-girlfriends, priests, and bishops.

There will always be obstacles, but God will always find a way around them. Because he can't be physically with me all the time, he sends someone to accompany me.

Two things change your life: the books you read and the people you meet who is willing to accompany in your journey. 

Joseph Nguyễn Lê Thế Vương. 


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