I Actually Do The Truth.

Gospel of Luke 4:  24-30 
Always Hold on the Identity of Who I am!

Have you ever lied, brothers sisters? And Why do we need to lie others? 

According to psychologist definition, people tell a lie because they try to avoid the fear of being hurt, some lie for protecting one's self from emotional wounds or to get away from pains. Another reason for lying is people want to get the Acceptance by putting on a "good image" in front of people. 

    Time passes and people will become a perfect liar by lying harder and harder. Surprisingly, we lie so perfect that sometimes we do lying to our own self; the fear of not getting the reward becomes the fear of rejection; the fear of not being good enough for someone else is what makes people to do change, what makes people to create an image, just to be accepted. People learn to pretend to be what they are not, and they practice trying to be someone else just to be good enough for Dad, Mom, Teachers, friends or for whatever. 

    People day-to-day practice and practice until they master of pretending to be what/who they are not. 

I remember when I was in college, I have practiced to be the best in the eyes of my parents just to get love from them. I have tried to be a good boy, mature, good manner, studied well in order to get all of the attention from my parents. And once time I talked to my parents, "Who do you love most, mom?" I asked. "the four of us are loved equally" my mother replied. After hearing the answer, I was a bit disappointed but with the same attitude I was continuing to do it again, I mean to be the best in my parents look.

In Today's Gospel, Jesus has shown me a different image of being who he really is. He did not lie for acceptance but instead he told the truth and he showed no fear of rejection. He did not have a a fun or told a joke but directly addressed what the truth is "In truth, I tell you..." Even though, people reacted and defended Jesus "they brought Jesus to the hill that they wanted to push him down".

However, Jesus did not afraid. He was not ashamed of the past which being born in the animals cage, and did not worry to die. Instead, He spreads the truth, what he feels as the children. He approaches people with no inventing image, false-self. He as well does not change his identity as the God of truth, no compromising to be accepted but in truth he lives as he is. 

Admittedly, there were times I was suffering because of several images I have tried to project or promote. I pretended to be an important person however at the same time I believe that I am so small. I worked hard to be someone in the Society, I have tried to be a winner at all times, tried to be powerful, to be rich, to be famous, to express my personal dream. Upon reflecting on these things, I come to listen to myself and the answer for the question why is that "Because I have lived in the dream of Lie". 

My dear brothers and sisters, I would like to summarise my sharing with a romantic imagination. Imagine that we could visit a planet where everyone has a different kind of emotional mind; and the way they related to each one another is in happiness and love. Now, we awake on this planet, we approach people with regard no afraid to be who we are. Whatever we say is in truth, whatever we do is in truth. 

I believe we can do it because we know....Who We Are!

Joseph Nguyễn Lê Thế Vương, MSC.


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